El Nino

CRank: 5Score: 15680

these companies made great games with longevity and replay value (think mgs series, zelda, god of war etc etc) they wouldnt have to worry about the pre-owned market...

also from an online perspective, if the games (ie MW2) wasnt plagued by cheats and numerous flaws then they wouldnt have to worry once again

5131d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

because the games they produce will still come to the PS3, and then on top of that Sony has numerous 1st party studio's.

I mean resistance fom was great, infamous was good, but i'm glad UC2 and naughty dog are with ps3, just like i'm glad polyphony digital, MM and santa monica are with ps3..see that right there, is what sets the ps3 apart imo.. 2 goty winners, both with ps3, both only available on ps3.

5136d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Seriously, get a life.

Its only being equaled in america, the world is a completely different thing, since the price drop, it sold alot more than the 360 and then since january/feb time its been pretty neck and neck, but you know the world...America happens to be just one place on it, there's other places, like the uk, france, germany and many more, there part of a continent called europe which also has people that buy computers and then this place called asia, and in asi...

5137d ago 9 agree2 disagreeView comment

I'll say this right now, R2 is my biggest sequel letdown this next gen, they removed everything, EVERYTHING from R1 that made it great
the following is what made RFOM great and R2 a huge letdown because they removed so much stuff

Story was better in RFOM
Multiplayer was better in RFOM
Split Screen
RFOM Party System (they removed the text function, wtf why???????????
Invite system (it takes longer, it was so simple in RFOM)

5142d ago 5 agree4 disagreeView comment

Someone tell this fool sony dont just make computers lol, i dont care if sony's gaming division makes a loss, infact there breaking even round bout now, there never gonna go broke lmao

thanks for the laugh though

oh and another thing, microsoft is only accepted in the US and uk, ninty and sony are loved globally!

5143d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I dont play pixels, if this game does have a lower resolution on ps3, its not gonna stop me getting it for ps3, i tend to buy most multiplats for my ps3 and then just the 360 exclusives for the 360. If RDR is sub-hd, then yeah the human eye or most people wont be able to tell or even care.

Thats not an issue imo, i'll probably have a blast with this game regardless. Its the fact that rockstar and many other developers would lead us too believe versions are identical, sam...

5144d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

every game has 720p minimum on the back of the case, i.e halo which apparantly does 1080p!

5144d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

Its unacceptable, in this generation, for any, absolutly any game to be sub hd, this is supposed to be next gen gaming, so why are we seeing sub-hd games on the 360 and the ps3, why are we paying hundreds of dollars/pounds/euro's for something that were not getting

seriously alot of you seem to not be even bothered, well more fool you

If you buy a Ferrari enzo, and the guy at the dealership says it does 180 mph or whatever, so you take it for a spin and i...

5144d ago 15 agree2 disagreeView comment

This has only occured since late 2008, early 2009

before that, it was constant ps3 bashing from left, right and centre.

What goes around, comes around, me personally i'm not one to hit the disagree button on every other comment, but....its just a disagree button guys, if your getting bubbles taken for having an opinion, then yeah its a bit out of order, especially if your not trolling or doing anything paticularly wrong.
However, dont any of you ...

5146d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wasnt for me, i prefer racing games more along the lines of gt/forza, although i like a bit of mario kart from time to time and enjoyed the early beta of modnation racers

but yeah i thought this was a bit weak, graphically not impressed and just the overall feel for me was dissapointing

but like i said, thats just demo impressions.

5147d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

you could say the same things about most games

problem is some people are taking this seriously while others are finding it funny

i think its neither, suppose its the difference in european/american sense of humour though

also, correct me if i'm wrong but this is N4G (news for gamers) the title is a bit of a giveaway i know, how exactly is this NEWS?

When N4G got the site re-done they should of added an option sorta like ...

5147d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

dunno whether to pick this up or not yet

as for the constant disagree's MS fans get, what comes around goes around, n ya'll talking ish about the ps3 so ignorantly back in 07, well now who has "no games" as you frankly put it, even though there were games

this is the ps3 fanboys way of getting back at ya'll, were in 2010 and now i hear ms fans be like "good score, cant we just enjoy gaming" you wasnt spouting the same stuff bac...

5152d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Isnt safe, i always get a warning from avast when i go on there about malicious content on that site, it always claims to block some threat

i'd try to avoid it if i was you, or even ban the site from n4g

on topic: i already have vidzone so i'll try this tv thing n see whats up with it

5170d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

10) Immature community full of underage kids

Doesnt really bother me as i've grown used to it in the previous call of duty games, doesnt change the fact there annoying though! @ least you can mute in the lobby this time!

9) No vehicles

Doesnt bother me either, cod4 never had them so i'm not fussed that mw2 doesnt have them, besides its a fps, i dont like vehicles in fps, there annoying and it takes no skill.


5170d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

like most said..if anything it will turn people off the game.
If you like halo or not its irrelevant, fact is its one of the biggest franchises and alot of there supporters will be put off of Crysis 2 by these comments, same for KZ2, thats a little more idioctic though, its like me saying, ok i've seen Mario kart 2 for the wii and it looks better than GT5, i know its bs, you know its bs, but i havent actually showed you anything to prove me wrong!

5179d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

When i was playing cod4, somebody messaged me asking if they could have my username and password to download the map pack, like wtf no!
How stupid are some people, buy it you cheap mofo's!

5180d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Like you laughed hard at the ps2 and ps3 name?? you must be hurting from laughing bro, i'm "definitively" laughing at your spelling.

On topic: I'd like plenty more ram and larger Blu ray discs to hold content on, obviously they can tweak bits n bobs but there the two main things i want.

5181d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

sounded like the whole of spain approved of project natal lol

neway until i see a proper demo of this technology (e3 hopefully) i'm not convinced

i've said all along from what i've seen, i would only browse the dashboard with it, no lie.

5181d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This isnt suprising, we know figures have reached upwards of 60% as far as 360 failure rate, however....i have a theory lol, here goes...

I bought a 360 at the end of 2006 ( round about the time the ps3 got delayed till march 23rd 2007 in europe). I played my 360 alot between oct/nov 2006 and march/april 2007...when i got my ps3 i played that alot more, my 360 (an original model) has never failed, my ps3 has failed just the once once...now technically my ps3 still worked, it coul...

5181d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

IGN are always inconsistent though, despite saying OVERALL is not an average, they should just scrap the Overall bit then or do away with the sub categories. Maybe have a pro and con list and then a flat out Overall score, people are always moaning about this and its IGN's fault.

I wont be buying this, i played the demo, maybe the whole game isnt nothing like the demo, but thats what i played and thats what i judged, it was one of the worst demo's i've ever come across. It didnt ...

5182d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment